Last Updated; January 05, 2019

= Wherever you see this icon, it indicates that a transcript is available for that particular session. Click on the icon to access the transcript.


Sun_Gridhealing_2015-01-04.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Frequency

Mon BBS Call_2015-01-05.mp3 - Dr. Kathleen's Health Talk

Wed Q/A Call_2015-01-07.mp3 - What was the Ark of the Covenant?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-01-11.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: How can you tell a wanderer when you see one?

Mon BBS Call_2015-01-12.mp3 - Open Mike

Wed Q/A Call_2015-01-14.mp3 - How Can We protect Ourselves Financially?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-01-18.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: What is a download?

Mon BBS Call_2015-01-19.mp3 - Seat of the Pants / Elohim; Also about Dolly Parton

Wed Q/A Call_2015-01-21.mp3 - How do I know if he/she is really the one?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-01-25.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Graduation

Mon BBS Call_2015-01-26.mp3 - A New Way to Activate DNA

Wed Q/A Call_2015-01-28.mp3 - Why did we choose our parents?


Sun_Gridhealing_2015-02-01.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Getting from A to B?

Mon BBS Call_2015-02-02.mp3 - Carla and Wynn on the Ra Material

Wed Q/A Call_2015-02-04.mp3 - How Does One Dispel a Negative Thought?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-02-08.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Magnetic Light/Spiritual Light

Mon BBS Call_2015-02-09.mp3 - Discussion on Graduation

Wed Q/A Call_2015-02-11.mp3 - Terry has a toothache

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-02-15.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Processing

Mon BBS Call_2015-02-16.mp3 - Are You Incompetent?

Wed Q/A Call_2015-02-18.mp3 - What will happen to those people who graduate and those people who do not graduate?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-02-22.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: ET's

Mon BBS Call_2015-02-23.mp3 - Do Miracles Happen on Our Calls?

Wed Q/A Call_2015-02-25.mp3 - Are My Dream Messages Accurate?


Sun_Gridhealing_2015-03-01.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Mystery Guest!

Mon BBS Call_2015-03-02.mp3 - Continuing series: How the Elohim created the universe

Wed Q/A Call_2015-03-04.mp3 - How can I Sleep Better?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-03-08.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Trina, Another Great Song

Mon BBS Call_2015-03-09.mp3 - Open Mike: Group discussion (fun call!)

Wed Q/A Call_2015-03-11.mp3 - How much further should I keep helping someone financially if I have my own financial problems?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-03-15.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: With guests: Trina, Dr Terry Friedmann, Dr Art

Mon BBS Call_2015-03-16.mp3 - Open Mike 2

Wed Q/A Call_2015-03-18.mp3 - How do you stay out of other people's dramas?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-03-22.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: How to Manifest

Mon BBS Call_2015-03-23.mp3 - Trans Species Soul Migration

Wed Q/A Call_2015-03-25.mp3 - How Can I Cope with My Cravings?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-03-29.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Motivation

Mon BBS Call_2015-03-30.mp3 - Replay of the Don and Wynn Show 12/10/2005


Wed Q/A Call_2015-04-01.mp3 - Special Prayer for Carla tonite

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-04-05.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: A Tribute to Carla

Mon BBS Call_2015-04-06.mp3 - Monday BBS Call

Wed Q/A Call_2015-04-08.mp3 - Did Carla Talk to Us on Monday?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-04-12.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Unconditional

Mon BBS Call_2015-04-13.mp3 - Annunaki, Egypt, Jesus....... more!

Wed Q/A Call_2015-04-15.mp3 - Why are some people aware on other side and some not?
Carla Rueckert visits us again!

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-04-19.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Leaving this Realm

Mon BBS Call_2015-04-20.mp3 - Terry's Birthday Party Tonight!

Wed Q/A Call_2015-04-22.mp3 - What if I don't have any friends or family when I die?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-04-26.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: To Be or Not to Be

Mon BBS Call_2015-04-27.mp3 - Techniques to Keep Yourself Centered

Wed Q/A Call_2015-04-29.mp3 - Eathquake in Katmandu! Why?


Sun_Gridhealing_2015-05-03.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Reflected Light vs Spiritual Light

Mon BBS Call_2015-05-04.mp3 - The Unbirthday Celebration

Wed Q/A Call_2015-05-06.mp3 - Is it possible to go to a higher dimension while still in a body?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-05-10.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Overcoming obstacles and a Poem by Wynn

Mon BBS Call_2015-05-11.mp3 - How the Elohim Created the Universe (Continued)

Wed Q/A Call_2015-05-13.mp3 - Questions and a Poem.

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-05-17.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Dr Terry Friedman discussed his book

Mon BBS Call_2015-05-18.mp3 - George Noory - Breakthrough

Wed Q/A Call_2015-05-20.mp3 - Am I Really Talking to My Deceased Father?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-05-24.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Reinventing Yourself

Mon BBS Call_2015-05-25.mp3 - Introducing a healer par excellence

Wed Q/A Call_2015-05-27.mp3 - What are some of the traits of an embodied Maldekian?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-05-31.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Clearing your home of dark energy


Mon BBS Call_2015-06-01.mp3 - New discoveries about Anunnaki

Wed Q/A Call_2015-06-03.mp3 - Ed Spina will do an energy clearing (9:35 to 14:56) before questions.

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-06-07.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Carla Rueckert (who passed on April 1, 2015) showed up again!

Mon BBS Call_2015-06-08.mp3 - Chinese Mysticism and How It Relates to Our Work

Wed Q/A Call_2015-06-10.mp3 - Would You Like to Ask a Question?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-06-14.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Arrogance, Ego, and Love

Mon BBS Call_2015-06-15.mp3 - How to Deal with an Economic Breakdown (or Earthquake, etc)

Wed Q/A Call_2015-06-17.mp3 - Is my missing cat still alive or did it already pass away?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-06-21.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: The art of asking for assistance

Mon BBS Call_2015-06-22.mp3 - Replay of a show from Monday, Feb. 25, 2013 with Daphne, Terry, and Carla.

Wed Q/A Call_2015-06-24.mp3 - Wynn and Terry in Denver.

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-06-28.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Wynn and Terry in Denver

Mon BBS Call_2015-06-29.mp3 - Tonight our guest is Ed Spina. He will be doing some energy clearings right on the call (45:55 to 50:40).


Wed Q/A Call_2015-07-01.mp3 - Are there really mermaids?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-07-05.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Being in the Now

Mon BBS Call_2015-07-06.mp3 - The Finer Points of Discernment

Wed Q/A Call_2015-07-08.mp3 - Ask our Sources a Question.

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-07-12.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Guilt

Mon BBS Call_2015-07-13.mp3 - ET Update

Wed Q/A Call_2015-07-15.mp3 - I would like to know what are some of my distortions and what can I do about them?
Did I get into a car accident due to a lesson that needed to be learned through Karmic debt or was there some other reason that it happened?
What can I do about reducing the feeling of fear of getting into a car?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-07-19.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Money

Mon BBS Call_2015-07-20.mp3 - How the Elohim Created the Universe; Continued

Wed Q/A Call_2015-07-22.mp3 -
1. A few days ago it felt like something was trying to separate my soul from my body. What really happened and what can I do about it?
2. Did I have a past life in Atlantis?
3. More than 40 years ago I received a number of visitations from Ku who was accompanied by Ob, Ba, and Ka, but I was never able to understand the messaging behind their visits. Can our sources confirm these visits? Is my current dilemma something they see in my timeline or scheme?
4. What is the higher self?
5. What is the best thing I can do in my current situation in my relationship struggle?
6. I feel that I have lived lives during the American Civil War and World War II. Can you tell me a little about those lives please?
7. Many alternative news sources are predicting many very dire events to occur in the next few months. How do we prepare for negative possibilities to occur without actually causing them to happen?
8. What specifically can I do to break out of my patterns so that I can get a job as a Software Engineer again? Do I need to move or can I find a job here in Las Vegas, Nevada?
9. Do I have angels watching over me? Who are they?
10. Will I be working in my professional capacity of architect at the university within the next month?
11. I am aware that our sources have told us that this universe was created 78 billions years ago. Which universe is this one? (First created universe, second, third, etc.). How many universes are there?
12. Can you tell us anything about the other universes?
13. How are tears connected to our emotions?
14. What is the significance of my accident and what is my higher purpose?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-07-26.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Creation: Are you creating your life or is your life creating you?

Mon BBS Call_2015-07-27.mp3 - Special Guest - Ed McCabe - Ozone therapy

Wed Q/A Call_2015-07-29.mp3 - How come the negative can violate free will?
Carla Rueckert visit us again!


Sun_Gridhealing_2015-08-02.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Community

Mon BBS Call_2015-08-03.mp3 - Open Mike Special Guest - Ed McCabe - Ozone therapy

Wed Q/A Call_2015-08-05.mp3 - Why do People Hurt Those Who Help them?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-08-09.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Working Around the Negative

Mon BBS Call_2015-08-10.mp3 - Sci Fi and the Elohim

Wed Q/A Call_2015-08-12.mp3 - What does it mean that God is inside us?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-08-16.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Motivation

Mon BBS Call_2015-08-17.mp3 - Time Lines and Miracles

Wed Q/A Call_2015-08-19.mp3 - How does raising one's frequency allow one to receive help from the universe more easily?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-08-23.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: In This Realm Not of It
Carla Rueckert visits us again!

Mon BBS Call_2015-08-24.mp3 - Is Terry Friedmann Really the Reincarnation of Disciple Matthew?

Wed Q/A Call_2015-08-26.mp3 - tonight! Wynn on George Noory

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-08-30.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: All the New People

Mon BBS Call_2015-08-31.mp3 - Overview of our Work


Wed Q/A Call_2015-09-02.mp3 - Should I Euthanize My Dog? (and more)

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-09-06.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: The Matrix Movie is Real

Mon BBS Call_2015-09-07.mp3 - Open Mike Night

Wed Q/A Call_2015-09-09.mp3 - Do you have a question for our Sources?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-09-13.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Replay 2-08-15 w/ Carla

Mon BBS Call_2015-09-14.mp3 - Helping Terry Friedmann Plus unslaving yourself

Wed Q/A Call_2015-09-16.mp3 - Questions for our Sources

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-09-20.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Family: Spiritual Family vs Worldly Family

Mon BBS Call_2015-09-21.mp3 - Wellness OZ, Our First Infomercial

Wed Q/A Call_2015-09-23.mp3 - How to Deal With My Fear?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-09-27.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: The Shift

Mon BBS Call_2015-09-28.mp3 - How the Elohim Created the Universe (continued)

Wed Q/A Call_2015-09-30.mp3 - Do the Elohim Really Hear Me?


Sun_Gridhealing_2015-10-04.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Untangling the Mystery of You

Mon BBS Call_2015-10-05.mp3 - How the Elohim Created the Universe - Another Chapter

Wed Q/A Call_2015-10-07.mp3 - How do I deal with lack of motivation?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-10-11.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Timing

Mon BBS Call_2015-10-12.mp3 - An Amazing Energy Healer in Our Group

Wed Q/A Call_2015-10-14.mp3 - Can elementals help disperse chemtrails?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-10-18.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Reverse Engneering

Mon BBS Call_2015-10-19.mp3 - Open Mike Night

Wed Q/A Call_2015-10-21.mp3 - Did I have a dream connection with the Ra Group?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-10-25.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Attention

Mon BBS Call_2015-10-26.mp3 - The Dark Side of the Light Side

Wed Q/A Call_2015-10-28.mp3 - If you never asked a question - tonight!!


Sun_Gridhealing_2015-11-01.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: People Get Ready/Time Change Today

Mon BBS Call_2015-11-02.mp3 - Special for People Who Never Listened to a Call

Wed Q/A Call_2015-11-04.mp3 - Why am I Paranoid? And More!

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-11-08.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Art: A portal between dimensions

Mon BBS Call_2015-11-09.mp3 - A Free Way to Fix Alienation

Wed Q/A Call_2015-11-11.mp3 - Wednesday Channel

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-11-15.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Tears from Heaven

Mon BBS Call_2015-11-16.mp3 - How the Elohim Created the Universe(continued)

Wed Q/A Call_2015-11-18.mp3 - Questions

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-11-22.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: 3 Steps Forward

Mon BBS Call_2015-11-23.mp3 - Jim McCarty (Carla's Husband) - How Carla protected herself from astral entities

Wed Q/A Call_2015-11-25.mp3 - Is a person on the same timeline when they die?
How karma is created for service to self and service to others.

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-11-29.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Helaing: Forgiving

Mon BBS Call_2015-11-30.mp3 - Open Mike


Wed Q/A Call_2015-12-02.mp3 - What are my "filters"?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-12-06.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Google Maps - A New Way of Projecting Energy with Energy Healer Fred Brooks

Mon BBS Call_2015-12-07.mp3 - How to Manifest

Wed Q/A Call_2015-12-09.mp3 - Random Catalyst?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-12-13.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: SPECIAL- Google Map Earth Clearing with Energy Healer Fred Brooks

Mon BBS Call_2015-12-14.mp3 - Open Mike!!

Wed Q/A Call_2015-12-16.mp3 - Live Channeling/Listen in

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-12-20.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healing: Stuck

Mon BBS Call_2015-12-21.mp3 - The Reincarnation of Matthew, and the Bible

Wed Q/A Call_2015-12-23.mp3 - How Can I Get Over Feeling the Pain of Mother Earth?

Sun_Gridhealing_2015-12-27.mp3 - Sunday Planetary Healng: The trip to the Moon was Faked

Mon BBS Call_2015-12-28.mp3 - Ra Group and Jesus

Wed Q/A Call_2015-12-30.mp3 - Opportunity for New People to ask Questions


Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly. Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may interfere. Apply your own discernment, take only what resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is meant for the person asking the question and you have the privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain insights from the answer. However, even though the circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer applies to you.. This is not meant to replace seeing your doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner. Some people get healings here, so you can be open to it.