Last Updated; January 05, 2019

= Wherever you see this icon, it indicates that a transcript is available for that particular session. Click on the icon to access the transcript.


Wed Q/A Call_2013-01-02.mp3 - Introductory message for 2013 from our sources
What is the purpose of my life..and if there is no purpose can you ask Elohim to pull my spirit out of my body?
When I look up into the night sky..why do I feel there is someplace up there I want to be..and when I look down I feel depressed, why do I feel this way?
Is there any spiritual or celestial lineage or significance of having RH-Negative Blood?
Why have I 'co-created' my physical problems and can the sources help me?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-01-06.mp3 - You are Building Your Future with Your Heart and Your Mind

Mon BBS Call_2013-01-07.mp3 - Famous Science Fiction Writer Talking to the Elohim? With guest Carla Rueckert.

Wed Q/A Call_2013-01-09.mp3 - Would you explain more about guides, and angels, etc. and how they work with us?
Can they be negative?
How can I tell if I am on the right spiritual path?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-01-13.mp3 - How to Let Go and Let God and Grow

Mon BBS Call_2013-01-14.mp3 - The Architecture of the Universe

Wed Q/A Call_2013-01-16.mp3 - If we are creating our reality moment by moment, what do we need to do to recreate our reality so we are not ill?
Have higher Sources intervened and helped reduce the radiation of the Fukashima incident?
What is the best way to get out of a financial rut?
Is the evolution of Earth holding up the evolution of the universe?...to be continued.


Mon BBS Call_2013-01-21.mp3 - Ancient Memories: Is Reincarnation Real?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-01-23.mp3 - Is it possible to regenerate a part of the body? If so, would it be possible by science or by spirit?
Can our Sources talk about the Trinity and explain what it is..in non-Christian terms?
Why do you refer to the Elohim in the singular?
Why do we have emotions and what are they, from your perspective?
Why did my friend never told me he was terminally ill?
Why does a soul that accomplished great feats and earth-shaking ventures come back to the third density?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-01-27.mp3 - Allow the Love Light to Nudge Unreleased Energies to Shift

Mon BBS Call_2013-01-28.mp3 - Shift Symptoms

Wed Q/A Call_2013-01-30.mp3 - To Experience Success, First Create a Context for It.



Mon BBS Call_2013-02-04.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-02-06.mp3 - Are Angels real?
How can I stop attracting wounded women?
How can I connect with the angel assigned by Rosie as well as my other angels and guides?
If everything has a consciousness, can a Logi choose to be service to self?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-02-10.mp3 - Your Body Supports You More When It Knows That It Is Loved

Mon BBS Call_2013-02-11.mp3 - Wynn Opens The Line to The Community.

Wed Q/A Call_2013-02-13.mp3 - What does dying feel like?
There was differing information about what would happen Dec 21, 2012. How does that work?
If one feels like they have a lot of Karma, what can they do to relieve that?
I have orbs in my house, and I fee like I should offer them something. How shoud I relate to them?
I have as problem of things disappearing and the reappearing. What's really happening?


Mon BBS Call_2013-02-18.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-02-20.mp3 - Once a soul leaves the physical body, can it get trapped in our earthly plane in an attempt to help the grieving partner cope with the loss?
A recent guest on coast-to-coast said he was able to accomplish things metaphysically because of intent, which he defined as balancing both halves of the brain and slowing the brain waves to the alpha or theta range. Would you comment?


Mon BBS Call_2013-02-25.mp3 - Wynn, Carla, Daphne, and Terry talk about earlier days.

Wed Q/A Call_2013-02-27.mp3



Mon BBS Call_2013-03-04.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-03-06.mp3 - Is the veil and quaratine the same thing?
Is there a way to let go of conditioned responses?
Revisiting the significance of 11:11
What are those "booms" we hear?
Elaborate on "processing"
Will the earthly journey be over in 2017?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-03-10.mp3 - With Lots of Sharing from Listeners/Callers

Mon BBS Call_2013-03-11.mp3 - Changing the World with Understanding, not Force.

Wed Q/A Call_2013-03-13.mp3 - When At Your Balance-Point, You are Suffused with Grace
If life is a series of successive moments of now, doesn't that imply time?
If there is no time, so that everything is happening at once, how does a free will choice ever have a chance of being made?
What is the inside, the center of the Earth, really like?
What can you tell me about alien ships that are outside of our atmosphere pressuring our government to tell the world population the truth?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-03-17.mp3 - Being With The Energies

Mon BBS Call_2013-03-18.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-03-20.mp3 - I've heard a couple of mentions that the Sources can help clear people's karma. How does that work?
If one who has had child abuse is that required to lead to serious physical conditions?
"For the highest good of all concerned." What exactly does that mean?
How are crop circles created?
What's the value of Ouija boards?
What is it that one can do and aim for to open their heart chakra?
So many world events seem out of our control. How can we as individuals help influence world peace and avoid another world war?
Are some people heavy either to protect themselves or to disguise themselves as they are doing higher work?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-03-24.mp3 - Carla and Wynn Consider the Experience of the 'Holy Spirit'

Mon BBS Call_2013-03-25.mp3 - An Evening with Rain Man Writer Barry Morrow

Wed Q/A Call_2013-03-27.mp3 - Ra'An Speaks of Holding the Space for Well Being
Does consciousness come from the brain, the heart, the spirit or elsewhere?
Where do I go [when I sleep] and I can I come back from there in this wonderful peaceful space while physically awake?
When someone dies, did they manifest that outcome?
Can you share anything about why Carter didn't enter this world?
When we put things into the Love Light, is there a greater creative effect when only the desired results are being verbally and emotionally brought forth rather than asking for the unwanted situation to be changed?



Mon BBS Call_2013-04-01.mp3 - Co-creation - What is it and how do you do it?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-04-03.mp3 - What does "For the highest good" really mean?
Is 432Hz a better frequency for 'A' than 440?
Why is there so much 'evil' on this planet?
Is the Earth really a prison planet?
What can we do to change the possible manifestation of a negative outcome?


Mon BBS Call_2013-04-08.mp3 - Sex, Relationships, Contracts, Grace and Karma

Wed Q/A Call_2013-04-10.mp3 - How can I feel the energies which are on the call?
Will activating our pineal gland help?
How about adjusting our diet?
Will trauma impact our sensitivities?
Is the energies multidirectional? I've heard a couple of mentions that the Sources can help clear people?s karma. How does that work?


Mon BBS Call_2013-04-15.mp3 - The Tunnel of Light and a Special Planetary Meditation

Wed Q/A Call_2013-04-17.mp3 - Does life always have to be a struggle?
How can we better use our dream state to gain knowledge, etc?
What's happening in 2013?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-04-21.mp3 - Carla on Post December 21, 2012 World

Mon BBS Call_2013-04-22.mp3 - How Do You Ask for Help?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-04-24.mp3 - Special Planetary Prayer
How to deal with the deep sadness associated with the loss of a pet.
How can we better use our dream state to gain knowledge?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-04-28.mp3 - The Expansion Process

Mon BBS Call_2013-04-29.mp3


Wed Q/A Call_2013-05-01.mp3 - If we ask for something, such as a healing, and it doesn't manifest, what does that mean?
Should I continue to look for a job in my field, or look somewhere else?
Were Adam and Eve human? What happened in the Garden of Eden?
How can I remember my past lives?


Mon BBS Call_2013-05-06.mp3 - What's going on on Earth?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-05-08.mp3 - How harmful are GMO's?
Are GMO plants perennials or annuals?
When I put my sister in the light, her heart improved a lot. Did The Sources do that?
More on discernment.


Mon BBS Call_2013-05-13.mp3 - Monday Night Live with Michael

Wed Q/A Call_2013-05-15.mp3 - Are Groups of People going to disappear and Ascend


Mon BBS Call_2013-05-20.mp3 - Changing Timelines on Planet Earth

Wed Q/A Call_2013-05-22.mp3

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-05-26.mp3 - The Definition of Starseeds & Wanderers, w/ Carla Rueckert

Mon BBS Call_2013-05-27.mp3 - On Sunday's Meditation

Wed Q/A Call_2013-05-29.mp3



Mon BBS Call_2013-06-03.mp3 - How the Universe was Created

Wed Q/A Call_2013-06-05.mp3 - Does Ego have any positive aspect?


Mon BBS Call_2013-06-10.mp3 - How the Universe was Created (continued)

Wed Q/A Call_2013-06-12.mp3 - What is the meaning of secrecy in spiritual teachings?
How are ET’s distinct from the Elohim?
Who is Ra’An?
How can our sources answer our questions so quickly on these calls?
Do our higher selves contribute to the answers?
How does one compute the next step of advancement?


Mon BBS Call_2013-06-17.mp3 - Black Holes, Antimatter and us

Wed Q/A Call_2013-06-19.mp3


Mon BBS Call_2013-06-24.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-06-26.mp3



Mon BBS Call_2013-07-01.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-07-03.mp3 - Are our difficulties really lessons?
Does saying grace at a meal prevent us from taking in the fear, or karma, that our food may carry?
Is there anything that can be done specifically to encourage the connection to the sources or increase perception/reception of love-light energy?


Mon BBS Call_2013-07-08.mp3 - Resolving duality

Wed Q/A Call_2013-07-10.mp3 - The Impossible Dream


Mon BBS Call_2013-07-15.mp3 - The Old Testament Revisited!

Wed Q/A Call_2013-07-17.mp3 - The Impossible Dream


Mon BBS Call_2013-07-22.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-07-24.mp3


Mon BBS Call_2013-07-29.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-07-31.mp3



Mon BBS Call_2013-08-05.mp3 - Open Mike

Wed Q/A Call_2013-08-07.mp3 - What is a Stargate?

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-08-11.mp3 - Come on People, Smile on Your Brother

Mon BBS Call_2013-08-12.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-08-14.mp3 - How to open your Chakras


Mon BBS Call_2013-08-19.mp3 - Can you prove there was gold in Africa?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-08-21.mp3 - Does duality exist in other Dimensions?


Mon BBS Call_2013-08-26.mp3 - DNA-THe final piece to the Puzzle!

Wed Q/A Call_2013-08-28.mp3 - What really happens when we sleep?


Sun_Gridhealing_2013-09-01.mp3 - Experiencing Source Energy

Mon BBS Call_2013-09-02.mp3 - Another Healer with Elohim energy?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-09-04.mp3 - What does it feel like to be a Ra Soul or an Elohim Soul?


Mon BBS Call_2013-09-09.mp3 - The Future!

Wed Q/A Call_2013-09-11.mp3


Mon BBS Call_2013-09-16.mp3 - Joel interviews Gijs

Wed Q/A Call_2013-09-18.mp3

Sun_Gridhealing_2013-09-22.mp3 - What's the difference between intention and desire?

Mon BBS Call_2013-09-23.mp3 - Egypt, Ra and Carla and Wynn



Mon BBS Call_2013-09-30.mp3 - Open Mike


Wed Q/A Call_2013-10-02.mp3 - what's at the center of the universe?


Mon BBS Call_2013-10-07.mp3 - What Would Jesus Do?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-10-09.mp3 - Where we go when we graduate?
Wynn gets into an engaging question and answer session with Source as to what fourth and fifth dimension life will be like
Also how the negative can graduate this realm as well and the part they will play in the new 4D world.


Mon BBS Call_2013-10-14.mp3 - How the Elohim Created the Universe/Ongoing

Wed Q/A Call_2013-10-16.mp3 - How do we get over past life karma?


Mon BBS Call_2013-10-21.mp3 - The Elohim's First Message to a Conference Call

Wed Q/A Call_2013-10-23.mp3 - What does let go and let God really mean?


Mon BBS Call_2013-10-28.mp3 - Symbols, Signs, Totems, and Superstition

Wed Q/A Call_2013-10-30.mp3 - Ra'An takes credit for helping lift some negative energies



Mon BBS Call_2013-11-04.mp3 - Wynn meets a group of RV Wanderers and has them as guests

Wed Q/A Call_2013-11-06.mp3 - What happens at the Center of the Universe?


Mon BBS Call_2013-11-11.mp3 - Did Wynn Interview a Former Disciple of Jesus tonight?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-11-13.mp3 - Replay - A member of the Ra Group talks to us


Mon BBS Call_2013-11-18.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-11-20.mp3 - How can one deal with a black magic curse?
What about intervention in Fukushima?
What can we do to help get more light workers involved with Wynn and Terry's work with Ra and the Elohim?
Can our sources tell us the significance and value of mudras?
Could sources offer more guidance on stepping out of our anchor points?
What affect will comet Ison have upon earth?
Can I get some insight into meridians?
Is there a connection between meridians, chakras, and DNA?
Who spoke to me before I was born?
Is that pressure on top of my head from the Elohim?


Mon BBS Call_2013-11-25.mp3 - The Man in the Mirror

Wed Q/A Call_2013-11-27.mp3 - We got Questions



Mon BBS Call_2013-12-02.mp3 - Can the Elohim stop an Earthquake?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-12-04.mp3 - How and Why do People Give Up Their Power?


Mon BBS Call_2013-12-09.mp3 - Are you able to see the best in others?

Wed Q/A Call_2013-12-11.mp3


Mon BBS Call_2013-12-16.mp3

Wed Q/A Call_2013-12-18.mp3 - Are We On the Verge of Something?


Mon BBS Call_2013-12-23.mp3 - Open Mike.. sharings from you

Wed Q/A Call_2013-12-25.mp3 - Special Christmas day meditation


Mon BBS Call_2013-12-30.mp3 - What's Your New Year's Resolution?


Channeled information is not meant to be believed blindly. Sometimes information may bleed through from the conscious mind of the channel. It is possible that a negative Source may interfere. Apply your own discernment, take only what resonates and discard the rest. An answer to a question is meant for the person asking the question and you have the privilege of listening in because sometimes you can gain insights from the answer. However, even though the circumstances may be similar, do not merely assume the answer applies to you.. This is not meant to replace seeing your doctor, dentist or any alternative practitioner. Some people get healings here, so you can be open to it.